Daily Create 3

Hello everyone!

Now this daily create I found very fun, I was able to combine a few TV and film things that I enjoy and are my favourites. My third daily create is #tdc1908 Hand drawn maps rock! Basically the task was to create a hand drawn map to a magical destination. It specified that it had to be on paper using real drawing materials and to leave Photoshop at home!

I took this opportunity to create a map to various destinations from films and TV programmes, as you will be able to tell, I am a slight nerd.

Below is my #tdc1908 daily create!


So it begins at home and it leads to ‘The Winchester’ from Shaun of the Dead, then to ‘The Wardrobe’ from Narnia, then to the Kings Landing Throne room (I know my Iron Throne is awful), then you hop on the Hogwarts Express and somehow get to The Stark Tower. From there you find the Tardis, jump in there, fly through the time vortex and end up at ‘The Shire’ which I chose as the Magical Destination!

Although my drawings aren’t exactly Picasso level, I really enjoyed doing this drawing Daily Create.

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